What Is Mariana’s Web? How To Access It?

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What Is Mariana’s Web? How To Access It?

Mariana’s Web is the name given to the deepest part of the internet, and the name is inspired by Mariana’s Trench. It is the deepest trench in the world, with a depth of approximately 7 miles (11.3 Km). Mariana Trench is located western Pacific east of the Philippines, and an average of approximately 124 miles (200 kilometers) east of the Mariana Islands, Most of the parts remain unknown about it and scientists are still studying what resides in its dark depth. And therefore, the deepest part of the internet is named after it.

Internet, interconnection of network is used in everything nowadays. We use internet whether it is to find nearby restaurants, get entertained, communicate, or find flight timings, and so on. The use of internet has grown rapidly and it is known that the graph will never go down. Many people think that everything we have seen on Google, Bing, Facebook, YouTube, etc is internet. But these part of the internet we access normally is known as Surface Web which is said to be only 4% of the information on the internet.

That means there is much more on the internet which we don’t even bother to check out. As a matter of fact, we cannot access them the way we access the surface web. The Internet has different layers, but we only access the first layer that is called Surface Web. Then comes, Bergie web, Deep web, Charter web and then Mariana’s web.  Even after Marianas web there are other three layers Level 6, The Fog/Virus Soup and the Primarch System.

Levels of Web

  • Surface Web
  • Bergie Web
  • Deep Web
  • Charter web
  • Mariana’s Web
  • Level 6
  • The Fog / Virus Soup
  • The Primarch System

Surface Web

The 1st level is the Surface Web also called the Visible Web, Indexed Web, Indexable Web or Lightnet which we use every day for our general use. It is accessible through normal means i.e., using a web browser as such Google Chrome, Firefox, etc. It is the home for the popular websites like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Wikipedia etc. This part is crawled and indexed by search engines like Google, Ask, Bing, etc.

Bergie Web

The second level is last normally accessible level of internet i.e., bergie web. All levels that follow this one must be accessed with a proxy, Tor or by modifying your hardware. In this level you can find some “underground” but still indexed websites, such as 4chan. 4chan is an image board website where users post anonymously.

Deep Web

In Deep Web no search-engines can index sites. The first part of it can be accessed by using proxy. It contains CP, core, hacking websites. Meanwhile the second part contains the sensible information. It is accessible only through Tor (The Onion Router). Tor is basically a browser using which you can connect to a website in such a manner that your connection is bounced off (like a bouncer ball) of relays in the Tor network.

Charter web

The fourth level, Charter web is also divided in two parts. The first can be accessed through Tor. It is the most accessed part of the deep web. Things like human trafficking and drugs, banned movies and books and black markets exist there. surprised huh…? The first website you visit trying to get into the deep web is hidden Wikis links. The further you start going at it, the more restrictive and private the sites become.

The second part is the Dark web and can be accessed through a hardware modification: a “Closed Shell System”. Here, shit becomes serious. This is a part of the Charter Web contains hardcore CP, Child Pornography, experimental hardware information (“Gadolinium Gallium Garnet Quantum Electronic Processors”), but also darker information, like the “Law of 13”, World War 2 experiments, and even the location of Atlantis.

Level 6

The Level 6 acts as an intermediatory between Marianas Web and therefore the Level 7 is also called as THE FOG/VIRUS SOUP. At this point you really start getting attention you don’t need i.e., people come to kill you. It might sound terrifying, but it is the truth. There are certain things in the world which only some people can know like human trafficking and drug lords. So, if they get aware that you know about them then my friend your life is at risk.

The Fog / Virus Soup

This level is like a warzone. Every other person is trying to reach the level 8. This is basically a sort of a fight between people trying to overthrow the other for having the sole power of the internet in the world. Whoever has reached this level will try to reach the level 8 or stop other from reaching the 8th level because so much of valuable information is in there.

This layer is named “The Fog” or “Virus Soup” because the entire thing is full of so many infinite codes, codes, and codes, to try and ruin other people poking around in there.

The Primarch System

The last level: the Primarch System is impossible to access directly. the Primarch System is literally the thing controlling the internet. No government has control of it. In fact, nobody even knows what the primarch system is. It’s an anomaly that basically was discovered by super deep web scans within early 2000’s. The 8th layer is assumed to be separated by a level 17 quantum t.r.001 level function lock. Hence, nobody knows what’s in there.

How to Access Mariana’s Web?

Unlike the deep web you can’t use Tor to visit Mariana’s Web. Accessing Mariana Web is more complicated than that. According to the rumor you must calculate the complex algorithm termed the Polymeric Falcighol Derivation. There is some doubt that this algorithm is actually real. Further, while solving it you may be stuck with the impossible task of computing something that does not exist.

In addition, you can’t make this calculation on just any computer. You need a quantum computer which is new technology that is not available to the public. There is a good reason for this lack of public availability. Currently quantum computers need some extreme condition to function properly.