Big Differences Of Roundwound And Flatwound Strings

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Big Differences Of Roundwound And Flatwound Strings

You might be surprised to hear that there are big differences between roundwound and flatwound strings when it comes to their feel and performance. Some people swear by one over the other while others can’t stand either of them. So, let’s compare the advantages and disadvantages of both kinds of string so you can decide for yourself whether you would rather go with a roundwound or a flatwound string.

Roundwound String – Pros:  It feels softer to the touch, is less abrasive, has a better feel, performs well in spin drills, and produces a higher tension.

Flatwound String – Cons:   It sounds harsh to the ear, doesn’t perform well in spin drills, and creates lower tensions.

To conclude we say this; if you want a soft feel but don’t mind sacrificing some of its performance characteristics then you will love the feel of a roundwound string.

What Is Roundwound Strings?

When you buy a guitar, you usually get two different kinds of string sets. One set is flatwound, while the other is roundwound.

Flatwounds have been around since the early 1900s. Today, most guitars use them. The advantage of these strings is that they provide more tension than their roundwound counterparts. However, this also means that you need to change your guitar strings more frequently.

On the other hand, roundwounds are much easier to maintain. This is because they don’t require any special tools to install or remove.

In addition, you can save money by buying fewer roundswound strings. Since they’re less expensive than their flatwound counterparts, you’ll be able to purchase a greater number of them.

However, there’s one big disadvantage to using roundwound strings. You may find that the sound produced by your instrument isn’t as rich or full-sounding. That’s because the tension is lower when you play with roundwounds.

You should definitely try to figure out what kind of strings work best for you before making a decision. 

What Is Flatwound Strings?

When you’re playing guitar, roundwounds are used to make the string vibrate. Roundwounds have small holes in them, so they allow air to pass through the string when you pluck it. The problem with roundwounds is that they tend to wear down quickly.

Flatwounds, on the other hand, don’t have any holes at all. This means that there’s no way for the air to get inside the string. As a result, the sound produced by the string is much louder than it would be with a roundwound.

So how do you know whether you should use roundwounds or flatwounds? If you want to produce a loud, clear tone, then you’ll need to choose the type of wound that you’re using.

If you play in a band, you might also need to consider what kind of amplifier you’re going to use. For example, if you plan on plugging your guitar into an amp, you’ll need to select an amp that can handle both roundwounds and flatwounds.

Another thing to keep in mind is the size of your instrument. You may find that some instruments are designed for one type of winding over another.


#1 Tone

The most important difference between roundwound and flatwound strings is their unique tone quality. And, since tone plays such a large role in music making, finding the right tone for your playing is important. Generally speaking, roundwound strings will be brighter sounding with a well defined mid-range and punchy lows.

Conversely, flatwound strings will be more low end oriented with mild mid and high range frequency focus. The flatwound string sound resembles the sound of an upright bass. For reference, flatwound strings were the first type of strings used on the electric bass; therefore, this sound is associated with the “vintage” sound of recordings up to the 1970’s.

Starting in the 1970’s, with the introduction of roundwound strings, the era of the “modern” electric bass sound began. Practically speaking, our ears, most likely identify the bass sound with the sound produced by roundwound strings, due to the fact that most of the music we have listened to since the 1970’s is characterized by this tone; of course, there are exceptions.

#2 Sustain

Flatwound strings have less sustain than roundwound strings, this is not necessarily a good or bad characteristic, it just is an important difference. Let’s unpack this phenomenon a bit. The low frequencies produced by the bass have a longer sound wave and produce fewer sound waves per second than higher frequencies. If low frequency sound waves are stacked on top of each other, the result is a muddy and unfocused sound. (This is why playing chords on the bass does not have the same result as playing chords on a guitar.)

The traditional upright bass and the electric bass, strung with flatwound strings, mitigates against this problem; the bass tones do not sustain as long and therefore produce a more defined bass accompaniment. The style of playing, especially in early rock and roll, typically used a type of walking bass to outline the chord progressions of the song. Flatwound strings, used in this early style, produce the fundamental note of each chord without the successive notes of the chords being “muddied” by the previous notes; this is due to the limited sustain of the strings.

However, the same effect can be achieved with roundwound strings; but, more left and right hand muting is necessary to obtain the same sound. Alternatively, modern styles of music make use of the extra sustain offered by roundwound strings to create distinctive bass parts.

#3 String Noise

Flatwound strings produce less string noise than roundwound strings due to the design of the strings. Roundwound strings have small gaps between the windings of the round outer coil; this can produce a noticeable sliding sound when moving from note to note.

For certain styles of music, e.g. rock, metal, etc. this is generally not an issue; however, for other styles, e.g. jazz, acoustic, music where the parts are exposed in the mix, and for recording, this can be problematic. In this case, flatwound strings have an advantage. 

#4 String Tension

String tensions have a huge effect on the sound quality of your guitar. If you don’t know how to choose between roundwounds and flatwounds, then you’re in luck. This article will help you to understand these two options.

When you first start playing the guitar, you’ll want to get yourself a set of strings. The type that you buy depends on the style of music that you like to play. For example, you might prefer to use steel-stringed guitars when you’re performing blues, while nylon strings are more suitable for pop and rock.

There’s also the question of whether you’d rather go for a roundwound or a flatwound. Roundwounds tend to be heavier than their flat counterparts. However, they produce a richer tone. On the other hand, flatwounds give off a brighter, louder tone, but are much easier to tune.

In addition, there is another factor that you need to consider. Some people say that roundwounds feel better on the fingers because they fit closer together. Others claim that flatwounds are more comfortable to hold. So, it really comes down to personal preference.

Flatwound strings hold more string tension than roundwound strings. More string tension increases the amount of pressure the fingers need to use to push down the strings. In other words, your finger and hand muscles will need to work harder to produce the tone than when using roundwound strings.

This can lead to muscle fatigue when playing for extended periods of time. Of course, with time your hands will accommodate this difference, but it is something to be aware of if you are accustomed to playing with roundwound strings.

#5 Price

There is a considerable price difference between flatwound and roundwound strings. Flatwound strings are typically twice the cost of roundwounds. Ideally, having a second bass to try flatwound strings, is a good way to go. It can be expensive to try flatwound strings, only to find that they are not working for you, and then restring your bass with a new set of roundwound strings. That could be a $60 round trip! If you only have one bass, you may want to borrow a bass with flatwound strings to try it out first.

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#6 String Longevity

Although flatwound strings cost twice as much as roundwound strings, they last much longer. Without the small grooves for dirt and grime to gather, flatwounds will hold their tone and last longer than roundwounds. This offsets the increased cost of flatwounds; over time, their cost is equitable, if not more economical, than roundwound strings.

Roundwounds tend to break easily. When you use a roundstring, you put a lot of pressure on the bridge. Over time, the wood in the bridge begins to wear down, and the string starts to get loose.

This is one of the reasons why you should avoid using roundstrings. The problem with roundwounds is that they are also prone to breaking at the nut, which makes it harder to tune the instrument.

Flatwounds are much better suited for playing music because they hold their shape better. In fact, they are so good at holding their shape that you won’t even notice when they start to come apart.

#7 Response to Effects Units

There is no doubt that the roundwound unit has been around since the beginning of time. This type of wound was used to treat injuries such as stab wounds. However, these days, most people use a flatwound to treat their cuts.

Due to the physical construction of roundwound strings, more overtones are produced from roundwound strings than from flatwound strings. (This is why they sound different.) Effects units take an original signal and alter it before outputting the new signal. Consequently, the sound of your bass with flatwound strings, as compared to the sound of your bass using roundwound strings, will sound different when using the same effects.

This can be an opportunity to develop some new bass tones just by using different strings. Ideally, it is a good idea to A/B this process, by having two basses. And, of course, if the basses are different, which presumably they are, some of the tonal variety will have to do with the bass itself. However, using flatwound strings can give your effects pedals a new dimension of sound possibilities. 

#8 Playing Experience

There is a lot to know when it comes to stringed instruments. This includes how to hold them properly, the different strings that you should use, and more. 

Roundwound strings are more abrasive on the fingers because of the tiny grooves that exist between the string wraps. Whereas, the lack of gaps, which produces a smooth texture, are more finger friendly. However, most of us “cut our teeth”, so to speak, on roundwound strings and are unaware of the difference. (This is all we know.) But, if you are used to playing roundwound strings, flatwound strings may feel “slippery”. You may even find that you are sliding past the frets, because there is less resistance against your fingers.

Add to this, the higher string tension of flatwounds, and you may feel like you’re playing an entirely different instrument. On the other hand, some “old timers” that I know, will not play roundwounds because of the “roughness” of the string. Of course, they are used to the increased tension and are comfortable with it. So, for them, a bass with roundwound strings is a foreign instrument. However, understanding these differences and why they exist, can help you to play through the initial awkwardness of the new string type. 

One of the most important things to remember when learning how to play an instrument like the guitar is the difference between roundwounds and flatwounds. When you buy your first set of strings, you will have the option of buying either roundwounds or flatwounds.

Roundwounds are thicker than flatwounds, and they tend to be easier to tune. However, they don’t offer the same amount of sustain as flatwounds do.

If you’re looking for a good quality, affordable set of strings, then consider getting some flatwounds.

You’ll also need to decide whether you want to use nylon or steel strings. Steel strings provide better tone, but they can cause problems when it comes to tuning the instrument.

Nylon strings are usually recommended because they are cheaper. However, they aren’t as durable as steel strings. In fact, if you leave a nylon string on your guitar long enough, it will eventually break.

#9 Instrument Wear & Tear

Due to the increased abrasive nature of the “grooves” on roundwound strings, as compared with flatwound strings, potentially, they can wear down the frets sooner than flatwound strings.

However, this is not something to be overly concerned with; because, most basses use roundwound strings and the frets have been designed to handle them. Also, finding the tone that inspires you to play, and works for the music you are playing, is more important than fret wear on your instrument, which can be repaired if necessary. 

When you use an electric guitar, you need to make sure that your strings stay in good shape so that they don’t break. If you’re using a roundwound string, then you’ll want to look after them properly. This is especially important when you go on tour with your band. You might be playing for hours at a time, and it’s easy to damage the strings.

If you have flatwounds, then you should take care of them as well. When you start to notice that one of the strings is getting loose, you can simply tighten it up by applying some tension.

There are many different ways that you can keep your strings in great condition. For example, you could put a piece of tape over the hole where each string goes through. Or, you could wrap the end of the string around the neck of the guitar. Whatever you do, you will need to pay attention to your instruments.

You shouldn’t neglect the way that you handle the strings on your guitar. In fact, you may even want to invest in a new set of strings. This will help to ensure that your guitars stay in top form.