What Are Piano Keys Made Of?

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What Are Piano Keys Made Of?

Modern pianists will know that a piano comes with 52 white keys and 36 black keys. Keys are a major part of the instrument and we’re so used to seeing them that it’s not often that we wonder what the keys are made of. The keys that you love to play as a pianist actually have a rich history that dates back for many years.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player when it comes to learning how to play the piano. The key point is that no two pieces of music sound exactly alike. Each type of piano has its own unique set of notes and chords.

For example, if you are looking to learn how to play “La Marseillaise” on the piano, then you need to focus on the E-flat major scale. If you want to know what other songs contain this note, you can read our article on the topic here.

There are many different types of pianos, and the way that they function will vary from one another. To understand what makes a piano so special, let’s take a look at some of them:

The acoustic upright piano is probably the most well known kind of piano. This is because they are very easy to find in stores and there are thousands available for purchase. However, you may not be able to afford one or you just don’t have room for one.

How the Piano Keys Works

Have you ever wondered how the piano keys work? If so, then you’re in luck. Here is a guide that will help you understand exactly how the piano keyboard operates.

When you press a key on the piano, the hammer strikes the string, sending vibrations through the instrument. The sound waves travel from the strings to the bridge, where they are picked up by the hammers.

As the hammers strike the strings, the vibration travels down the length of the string. This causes the notes to be heard as they are played. When you turn the volume control on your stereo or radio, you are hearing these same sounds.

You may have noticed that the piano keys don’t actually touch the strings. That’s because there is a small gap between each note and the next. Each time a key is pressed, the hammer falls into the space. As the hammer hits the strings, it produces the tone that we hear.

If you want to learn more about the piano, then you should check out the article below. It will give you some helpful tips about playing your favorite songs.

The first thing to know is that when you practice, you need to focus on the right hand. You can start with the left hand, but if you try to play both hands at once, you’ll end up making mistakes.

The Different Types of Piano Keys

A lot of pianists have trouble playing the right notes. Some of them might be able to read music, but others don’t know how to properly use their fingers when they’re trying to hit the right note. This is why you should learn more about the piano keyboard so that you can become a better player.

There are actually many different kinds of piano keys. If you want to get the most out of your instrument, you need to understand these different types of keys.

You’ll find three basic categories of piano keys. Each one has its own purpose. For example, there’s the black key, white key, and the red key.

The first type of piano keys are the black keys. These are the traditional ones that you’ve probably seen in a concert hall. They include C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and the octave. You can also find other keys like the sharps, flats, and double sharps.

The second category of piano keys includes the white keys. These are typically found on grand pianos. They consist of a whole row of notes that run from left to right. These include the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th keys.

The Difference Between Piano Keys and Strings

When you learn how to play the piano, you will notice that there are two different kinds of musical notes. One is made up of strings, while the other one consists of piano keys.

Stringed instruments like guitars, violins, cellos, etc. have strings arranged on a fretboard. When you press down the string, you get a note. However, when you press down the key, you produce another sound.

A piano keyboard has 88 white and black keys, and each one produces a unique tone. If you know how to use your fingers correctly, then you can make any pitch. For example, you could hit the C-string (middle) and the D-fret (third from the right), and you would create a Bb.

To summarize, there are three main differences between piano keys and strings:

1. Stringed instruments require a finger to be pressed down on the string.

2. On a piano, you must push the correct key to produce a sound.

3. A guitar has 12 frets, but a piano only has 88.

Why Is It Important to Know About Piano Keys?

If you have been playing the piano for a while now, you might be wondering why it’s so important to learn how to read music. This article explains everything that you need to know.

There is no doubt that learning the basics of reading music will help you improve your skills as a musician. After all, if you can’t read music, you won’t be able to understand the notes on the page. You’ll also struggle to figure out what the composer was trying to say when he wrote down the melody and chords.

Learning to read music is actually easier than you may realize. The first thing that you should do is to find a good teacher. When you’re working with someone who is qualified, you can expect to make progress quickly. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, then you could always use online resources to help you along the way.

Once you’ve found the right teacher, you’ll need to practice regularly. Make sure that you start off by practicing the scales. Once you feel comfortable doing this, it will be much easier for you to work on more complex pieces.

You will also benefit from learning how to play songs. As soon as you master these basic techniques, you’ll be well-placed to move onto playing your favorite tunes.

What Are Expensive Piano Keys Made Of?

If you’re interested in learning how to make money from home, then you’ll want to read this article. This guide explains the basics of making money online by writing articles.

Writing is a great way to earn extra cash. If you have a knack for writing, then you could be earning good money with your skills. You don’t need any special training to start getting paid. All that you need to do is write an article.

You can also use other websites to get started. For example, you can post videos on YouTube and then link to them in your articles.

There are many different ways to make money online. But, you should know that it’s possible to make a lot of money without spending much time or effort. So, keep reading to learn more.

When you’re first starting out, you might not expect to earn a lot of money. However, as you gain experience, you will become better at what you do. Eventually, you may even be able to quit your day job.

This means that you won’t have to spend all of your free time working. Instead, you will be able to work when it suits you best.

Pianos and Ivory Keys

The very first pianos originally had keys that were made from sugar pine. This is one of the largest types of pine tree in the world. The wood that was taken from the tree had a straight grain pattern which meant it was a great material for construction sound-producing pipes on what would come to be known as the organ.

When the piano started to become more popular in the 1760s there was a spike in the USA’s and Europe’s demand for elephant ivory. By 1840 the USA was considered to be the world’s largest importer of ivory above any other country.

Ivory is a material that is often associated with wealth and opulence. It’s not surprising that manufacturers of pianos decided to use ivory to make the keyboard of a piano. The white keys would be made from ivory whilst the black keys would be made from ebony.

To make the white keys the ivory would be cut into flat thin pieces. Each one of these pieces would be split into three. Then the three pieces were mounted on top of the wooden keys. Just one elephant tusk could make up to 45 keyboards at a time.

Because ivory has a smooth feel and at the time it was cheap to get hold of it became the go to material for constructing piano keys. It started to change in the 1950s as laws came in to protect elephants with ivory tusks, and the selling and trading of ivory became illegal.

Piano Key Layout

There are literally thousands of components that go into pianos and each part has its own special function. Most modern pianos today will have a total of 88 white and black keys. The layout is made up of 52 of the long white keys that make the notes of the C major scale and 36 black keys which are shorter. The black keys also are raised above the white keys and are set back further on the piano keyboard.

The longer keys were traditionally played more often than the shorter ones which is why they were originally covered in ivory. This was because it was a hard-wearing material. The shorter black keys weren’t played as much as the longer ones so they were made from dark wood like sugar pine or spruce. This is how black and white keys were formed on the traditional pianoforte keyboard. Even now the keys are still referred to as the ivories even though the material was abandoned completely in the 1970s.

Modern Piano Keys

Elephants and any other animal that yields ivory are now classed as endangered species all around the world. Over the years most countries have banned the selling and trading of ivory so that it is illegal to do so. Because of this law many manufacturers of modern pianos don’t use ivory to makes the piano keys.

Aside from ivory being a highly controversial material to use for a piano key, it also has other downsides too. The keys that had been made from ivory would often chip faster than plastic keys would. Ivory is also a porous material which means it absorbs the dirt off your fingers and yellows quickly and easily.

Nowadays you will find that the piano keys is being made of:


Yamaha was the first keyboard maker credited with making plastic keys which were a hybrid material called ivorite. This is a synthetic plastic that has some of the properties that ivory has like absorbing moisture and having a smooth texture. Plastic keys like this are affordable, accessible and relatively easy to make. Many other piano makers followed Yamaha’s lead and most now use synthetic plastic to build the keys on piano.

Vegetable Ivory

Once ivory became unavailable for pianos there was a search for a suitable substitute for it. The closest material found is vegetable ivory which actually comes from a palm tree. It naturally grows in South America, being most prominent in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Each seed produces the material which is now known as vegetable ivory.

Inside each seed from this plant is a dense and hard substance which is called hemicellulose. This is the material that can be carved, treated and then polished to look like the real tusks of an elephant. Once this process is done the white wood can be used to create keys as well as other fake ivory artifacts.

Unlike real ivory keys that require an animal to be killed, vegetable ivory is renewable as the tree produces seeds throughout the year. It’s classed as a renewable resource because nothing has to be killed or chopped down in order to obtain it.

Unfortunately, there is a downside to these seeds. They are really small, growing to a maximum of 8cm. This significantly limits their use for making large amounts of keys for the piano.

Spotting Ivory Keys

Many people have mixed feelings about having a piano with ivory keys. On one hand, having a grand piano with ivory keys really does look beautiful. They are smooth to the touch and many pianists argue that they are better quality than the modern piano key.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, ivory has a long and chequered past. Throughout history, millions of elephants have been slaughtered just for their tusks. Elephants are now registered as an endangered species because of this, and the species may still become extinct as illegal poachers still kill these animals for their tusks.

The reality is that if you have a piano dated before the 1950s, it’s more than likely that it has ivory keys. There are also other ways you can spot non-plastic keys such as:

  • Pattern – Look closely at the pattern. A fingerprint pattern indicates that those keys are not plastic.
  • Texture – Plastic is smooth whereas other materials will have a texture to it.
  • Look – Ivory is prone to chipping and will also yellow over time. Plastic keys are much more durable and retain their color more efficiently with little to no maintenance.
  • Build – A plastic key will be made as one single solid piece whereas non-plastic keys are made into three very noticeable parts.

Cleaning Keys

Before you clean your keys you will need to dust them off so that any dust resting on the surface is removed. You can do this with a duster or even a soft brush. To disinfect the keys you can use a solution of filtered water and white vinegar. Use a soft cloth and wipe each key down vertically, taking time to dry the keys off between wiping them. You also should change cloths between cleaning the black and white keys.